Daft Punk Says “Non” to Reunion at 2024 Paris Olympics

It looks like we won’t be seeing our favorite helmeted duo at the 2024 Paris Olympics. Despite the buzz and crossed fingers, Daft Punk has officially turned down the chance to reunite for the opening ceremony of the Olympics.

The rumors went into overdrive when Thomas Jolly, the director of the games’ opening ceremony, hinted in a France Inter radio interview about Daft Punk being an ideal fit for the event. “They would be very happy to be part of the ceremony,” he mentioned, stirring excitement among fans worldwide.

However, in a recent twist, Jolly cleared the air: “My comments were confusing and generated a lot of expectations,” he admitted on social media. “After discussing a possible presence at the ceremony, the group’s decision is not to participate.” It seems even a discussion with the organizing committee couldn’t change their minds.

So, why the no-go? Well, Jolly pondered whether Daft Punk would want to “reform in the time of an epilogue to their career,” especially after their well-thought-out separation announcement.

But hey, it’s not all gloomy. This year marks the 10th anniversary of Daft Punk’s banger album ‘Random Access Memories,’ celebrated with exclusive interviews and a special reissue. Plus, get ready for a twist on their classic – a ‘Drumless Edition’ of the album dropping on November 17, with the single ‘Within’ already out for your ears.

While we might not see them lighting up the Olympics, there’s still plenty to keep our Daft Punk love alive!

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