Deep Dish, the electronic music duo consisting of Ali “Dubfire” Shirazinia and Sharam Tayebi, bring their ten-year hiatus to an...
Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival revealed its lineup for 2025 yesterday, featuring an incredible mix of electronic music artists,...
In a unique fusion of popular culture and electronic music, London recently hosted an event that delighted fans of both...
The Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE) is set to make its grand return in 2024, once again positioning itself as the...
Dear Festival Enthusiasts and Attendees, Throughout numerous vibrant and demanding editions, the dance arena of 3 Smoked Olives Island Festival...
After the spectacular success of its 32nd edition, the Sunwaves Festival is set for a major geographical shift this year,...
Ibiza’s iconic music and art festival, THE ZOO PROJECT, is set to return to the legendary Cova Santa on Thursday,...
Club Space in Miami is renowned for its electrifying atmosphere and unforgettable nights. Now, they’re taking a bold step to...
In an unforeseen and saddening turn of events, the organizers of We Are FSTVL have announced the cancellation of their...