Ex-White supremacist Discards Racist Beliefs Post MDMA Study

Ex-White supremacist Discards Racist Beliefs Post MDMA Study

In an intriguing development, an erstwhile leader of a white nationalist faction has reportedly left behind his prejudiced beliefs after participating in a study that involved the administration of a single dose of MDMA. The finding is as sensational as it is unexpected, shedding light on the powerful potential of the drug to alter deep-seated ideologies. This account is a restructured narrative from an article originally published by VICE Media.

Known only as Brendan, the ex-white nationalist was a key figure in the Midwest arm of Identity Evropa, an infamous white supremacist group. Its claim to fame includes aiding in organizing the notorious Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville in 2017. Brendan’s identity was exposed due to his role, resulting in a swift termination of his job and ostracization from his community and family, as indicated in the June 2021 issue of Biological Psychiatry.

Brendan became a part of a unique study in early 2020 that was conducted by researchers at the University of Chicago. The focus of the study was to understand the enhancement of certain physical sensations under the influence of MDMA. Brendan was still entrenched in his prejudiced beliefs when he took the MDMA dose. His experience while under the influence, however, turned his world view upside down.

He expressed feeling an overwhelming sense of love and the realization that his life’s priorities were misguided. This experience led Brendan to an understanding of the importance of love and its role in fostering a harmonious world. Interestingly, Brendan attributed his radicalization to consuming pro-Donald Trump news, which eventually led him to anti-Semitic content.

His shift in perspective was also confirmed by Monnica Williams, a clinical psychologist at the University of Ottawa and an expert in psychedelic research. She noted that Brendan’s contemplation of his life after being exposed likely catalyzed the introspective change.

Post the MDMA experience, Brendan extended an olive branch to the “antifa” group to suppress his doxxed information. This marked the start of an exchange of several hundred emails, which Brendan deemed as a significant interaction.

While his life post-MDMA still presents challenges, Brendan is proactively trying to combat his racist thoughts. He has sought guidance from a diversity, equity, and inclusion specialist and has taken up reading to enhance his understanding.

Brendan also advocates for the potential benefits of MDMA for individuals battling deep-rooted prejudices. MDMA, commonly referred to as the “love drug,” is a unique substance that acts as both a psychedelic and a stimulant. It triggers feelings of euphoria and enhances a person’s levels of oxytocin, the social bonding hormone.

However, experts, including Williams, caution against viewing psychedelics as a cure-all for systemic issues like racism. While psychedelics can facilitate introspection and empathy, they cannot erase prejudices without substantial cognitive effort from the individual.

Nonetheless, the potential of psychedelics as a tool to address deep-seated biases cannot be ignored, and more research in this direction might lead to significant breakthroughs in the future.

(Original article: VICE Media)

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